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Ah yes, Helicopter parenting

We have four kids and we’re always cognizant of how we are parenting.

We want to be nurturing and supportive but are wary of being helicopter parents – they need to experience and overcome challenges themselves so they build confidence and problem solving.

It’s obvious in some situations but today’s article about how “being overly indulgent with money is another form of helicopter parenting” made us think.

We are definitely NOT overly indulgent with money but it highlighted a blind spot for us… are there others to be aware of? Probably.

helicopter money [Contessa Capital Advisors] – “If you avoid teaching the lessons of money scarcity, how to prioritize spending, and the consequences of blowing a budget, you are potentially instead teaching your kids to fear money (“I’m not good with financial stuff”) or obsess about money (“I must be rich and have all the right luxuries, like my friends do, otherwise I am a loser”) in a way you probably weren’t intending. By the time they’re adults, a lack of planning and budgeting skills could manifest in spiraling credit card debt or a need to keep up with the Joneses.”