Good morning, friends! Welcome to another week of Apex Money. My girlfriend and I just returned from a relaxing week-long vacation. I feel like I’m out of the loop. But that’s okay. Part of the fun of returning is feeling disoriented for a while. At least I’ve found time to gather some good stories about money for you. Enjoy!
Optimize your money and health by becoming a robot. [Accidental Fire] — “How did I become a robot? I’m normally a person that gravitates towards routines. I like forming habits, good ones obviously. In 2020 I put that trait on steroids.”
How to start a non-profit organization. [The Retirement Manifesto] — “A few years ago, my wife asked how to start a nonprofit organization. Recently retired, she wanted to ‘give back’ to society. She wanted to start a charity. She’s not alone.”
Three ways to achieve more flexibility in your career. [The Fioneers] — “Sometimes, people who pursue financial independence see financial freedom as all or nothing…This is a false dichotomy. Financial freedom is a spectrum. New levels of financial freedom provide more lifestyle design options and more flexibility.”
Seven ways to afford more of what you want in 2021. [Smart Money Mamas] — “When we define what we really want, for ourselves and for our families, it allows us to take small steps every day to direct our time, energy, and money toward creating a life full of what is most important to us. As we look ahead to what we want in 2021, consider these ways to afford more of what matters to you.”
No video today because I haven’t yet started browsing videos since we got home. I’ll do that later today. If you’ve seen a fun video recently that you think other Apex readers would enjoy, send it along!